ReSounding the City

This is a performance made thanks to the Graduate Student Organization (GSO) Grant at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts. In collaboration with Daniela Tenhamm-Tejos, Jana L. Pickart and Ansh Pattel we explored body language and psycho-geography in urban spaces. I was the developer behind the Gesture Recognition code. For the official website please visit this link.

With this project I created a series of visual effects that responded to the performer's choreography and the poet's voice and audience interaction. These effects were created in the C++ toolkit known as OpenFrameworks. Here is a sneak-peak of these effects

Performer and Tech Tryout

All Developed Effects

Translated Code –Processing to OF–

This is a book on Generative Design, and the examples I've selected are oriented towards data visualization. The main limitation with the overall pursue is the underlying library –Generative Design– which doesn't exists in OF yet.

The Processing example used libraries that can be found in OF's addons, which draws the attention to the limitations of pursuing an entire translation of the examples. There's other examples that use theGeomerative example and the Generative Design library that are only available to Processing –or Java based IDEs–. Anyhow, this particular example used a PDF converter and Calendar libraries to export the application's canvas onto images with a timestamp. In the failed attempt I was able to include a calendar addon that didn't end up using in the working one. 

Even though there's a Project Generator that will include whichever addon needed, it doesn't work every time. Since this was one of those times, I ended creating the failed attempt in the same folder of the ofxICalendar addon. To try and  solve one of the primitive drawing elements I sought another addon called ofxVectorGraphics, that couldn't ever got it working on an already created project.

There are primitive functions in OF similar to Processing's, the arc however is not one of them. Instead, there's two ways to go around this. The addon mentioned before, and using an object called ofPath that contains the function arc. After a lot of trial and error I was able to finally get an arc drawn in an isolated project. As any OF project, you have to create the variables and objects in the *.h file and then you can work with them in the *.cpp file. What I came to know, after figuring out the specifics of not filling, outlining, setting the resolution and not closing –to an extent– arcs was, invoking the function needed to actually draw the function. This particularly was completely counter intuitive from the previous programming experience.

After Kyle McDonald's workshop in introduction to OF I learned that the project could be simplified significantly to one *.cpp file. This meant however that I wouldn't  be able to include the feature of exporting an image with a timestamp. Currently this is the working translated project. I would also like to thank AV –Sehyun Kim– for helping me out on how to –again– draw the arcs.

Interactive Dream Box

For children's month, we created a giant box to make a stronger bond between children and their parents. I was the Interactive Lead for this project making sure the hardware and software would run swiftly for a month and a half.

Methodology: Iterative Development

Tools: Arduino, OpenFrameworks

Deliverables: Interactive Experience triggered by levers and buttons that took children and parents through a journey


With a collaborative experience, people embarked in a journey in the world of dreams and imagination. To communicate children's boundless imagination and appropriation of everyday objects, we constructed a giant carton box as the ship, with two control panels were knobs and buttons are made out of plastic bottles and other every day objects. 


Along with two Interaction Designers, we coded the project's software in OpenFrameworks and the hardware in Arduino. To ensure collaboration in the box's experience, both panels were made wide enough so they could only be triggered by at least two people. There are two starting knobs and two launching/landing levers. The other panel is as wide as the first one, and it has four buttons that light-up to a sequence. Lit buttons have to be pressed at the same time to defeat the violent thread in the journey.

VICE Colombia Launch

VICE Colombia started their headquarters in the beginning of 2014. For their launch party they invited Panoramika to create an interactive installation and multiple projection mappings. We created an array of projected eyes mapped onto extruded circles on the wall, that followed viewers. We used Kinect, OpenFrameworks, Quartz Composer and Madmapper.