Electronic Vote

In 2013 we created an electronic vote system through Android tablets that were remotely activated by a Laptop. I was the UI/UX Designer and Industrial Designer –Cubicle. Our main Design Challenge was to create an election system easily perceivable and predictable –intuitive– enough so grown-ups with no previous experience with mobile devices could vote. It was a successful system that didn't got in the way, with 93% of participation.


I created this storyboard so stakeholders could better understand the sought experience.

Scrutiny's visualization

For the scrutiny I developed this visualization in Processing

Interactive Table – ∏ "Planta Interactiva"—


This project blends the Interactive-Tabletop framework known as Reactivsion, with an engaging way of explaining Biodiesel production. I was the Full-Stack Designer creating the UX, storyboards, 3D motion graphics and Creative Coding like animated buttons and knobs.

The objective behind this exploration is to engage potential new engineering students in an experience that helps them understand what involves any of the engineering programs offered by the faculty. Each of the 4 offered programs at Universidad de la Sabana has a specific narrative within the playful experience of creating biodiesel.

